We created RADAR to help support early stage startup founders at a critical time in their journeys

RADAR is NOT a software platform where thousands of eager startups desperately fight for attention and usually don't get noticed. We actively work with and help a limited number of startups that excite us find the funding they need.


A startup like a plant needs careful nurturing if it is to grow into a healthy tree

There is usually a long way to go before a startup can seriously think about raising capital. This is one of the most uncertain periods during the startup journey and sadly so many startups fail before they have even started. The decisions made now will almost certainly impact the business in the future. We can help nurture your startup and get you ready for the road ahead.


We can help get your startup on the RADAR of suitable investors

Fundraising is tough, competitive and uncertain. The fact is that only a very small percentage of startups are able to raise outside capital. Raising capital is a skill in itself and not everyone is cut out for it or even has the time and resources to do it. Our RADAR fundraising service helps promising startups find the capital they need and be on hand to help negotiate and close the deal.


Building a startup is often daunting and can get lonely sometimes

In the early days of a startup resources are very often stretched. Founders whilst excited and determined are still full of doubts. Is the website effective? What features should the MVP have? Are we targeting the right market? How does our marketing plan look? Are we ready for investment? How does our pitchdeck look? These are just a few examples of common questions. As a RADAR client you can ask us questions like these and all without breaking the bank!

The worlds most successful entertainers and athletes have professional agents opening doors for them, why shouldn´t startup founders?

Global Circle Capital is like a talent agency for startups, opening doors and there by your side to help you bring your A game! Just like record labels, movie studios and professional sports teams are used to dealing with agents, investors almost always prefer investment opportunities to come to them from people they know or from professional sources. This is where we come in. As has always been the case in the business, sports and entertainment world, it´s all about who you know and the right introduction at the right time can literally be priceless!


90% of startups fail! This can be down to so many reasons. Our passion at Global Circle Capital is to help as many startup founders as we can to succeed

  • Timing and being prepared to approach investors are absolutely key, a few of the reasons why startups often get rejected are simply not being well prepared, approaching investors too early or pitch decks / pitches not being compelling enough. As a RADAR client we can help you to be well prepared and ready for the challenge when it counts
  • As we work together during our RADAR process we will challenge you on your business, market, approach, technology, product and everything else to ensure that you are ready and prepared for the questions that seriously investors will ask
  • We provide personal introductions to our growing network of investors once you are ready.
  • Our RADAR program works on the basis of 12 one to one RADAR sessions with a highly experienced founder which can be taken over 3 months or 6 months depending on your needs and budget.
  • If you pass the initial evaluation and are accepted into our RADAR program we would begin with an initial 4 RADAR sessions to dig deeper into your business, market and opportunity and most importantly get to know you. This is crucial as it helps us to confidently present you to investors as someone we know and have worked with
  • During the RADAR process we can help you with the strategy to get yourself to the crucial first revenues that will make a big difference in terms of making yourself more investable.
  • Finally, we are by your side at the crucial negotiation stage where those decisions could make the difference between making or losing millions in the future! We provide the negotiating buffer to help you close the right deal for you

The benefits of joining Global Circle Capital as a startup, investor or advisor

Almost all startups in their early stages are short of cash, many founders are going it alone for the first time and are understandably anxious. There is no budget for expensive consultants and in most cases, they are not yet needed. Help is however most needed at this time and this is where our RADAR service can really help when you need it most. At a very affordable price, you have access to experience, contacts and a helping hand when you need it most.

We want to grow our investor network by partnering with the best investors in the European startup scene. By joining us as an investor you can be provided with carefully screened and relevant investments. You simply let us know which sectors, stages, geographic areas you are interested in and we will present investments that match. It is free to join us as an investor. Widen your net and get access to carefully screened early stage investment opportunities that may not otherwise get to you. We see our role not as a broker making commissions, we have skin in the game with every project and actively work with every startup providing guidance, mentoring, strategic, marketing, branding advice and more. In addition we are building a powerful investor network and can help with finding co investors when you are looking for follow up investments for your portfolio companies. Tap into our growing network and let us work with you to find the right investors

Are you in the startup space with a good network of investors and/or working with startups? Come join us as an associate partner and widen your network by joining forces with us. As an associate partner, you can get access to exciting and well-selected investment opportunities that you can present to your own network or present promising startups looking for investment to us.

Some quotes that keep us inspired when the going gets tough...

Join our startup eco system

Whether you are a startup actively raising capital or at a very early stage planting the first seeds, an investor looking for credible well curated investment opportunities or someone that works with startups and would like to collaborate with us, join us and let's do great things together!

Frequently Asked Questions

Be sure to check out our FAQs before you apply or register. If your question is unanswered please use the contact form at the top of the page to get in touch with us

What do we look for?

We are looking for businesses that are ideally doing something positive and are attractive to investors. This typically means businesses with significant growth potential, businesses that can scale and ideally have some unique qualities combined with super smart, emotionally intelligent and highly committed founders. We prefer businesses that already have an MVP, early signs of traction and ideally have raised some money, even if it´s a small friends and family round or some crowdfunding. The further along you are the easier it is for us to help you raise the capital you need. You can apply here

What geographic area do we cover?

We are mainly focused on Europe but are open to and do work with startups outside of Europe.

I am a first time founder, can you help me?

Our RADAR service is ideal for first-time founders. Starting a business for the first time can be nerve-racking, there is so much at stake and you are maybe not sure if you are making good choices. As a RADAR client, we are on hand to provide some support in those crucial moments. If you are an experienced serial entrepreneur on the other hand our service can be just as useful. Get access to powerful contacts outside of your network, use us as a sounding board and concentrate on what you do best while we do what we do best.

Do we take equity in your business?

In general, we do not ask for equity in your business, however, every case is different and we are always happy to discuss the possibility if it makes sense for both parties. We will discuss this with you once you are accepted as a RADAR client.

How does RADAR work?

Just as with a talent agency we seek out founders / startups we think have potential and with whom we are excited to work with and support on their journeys. With RADAR we work with startups according to their specific needs, no two founders or startups are the same! We are not an accelerator program putting each startup through a uniform system. What we do is very carefully targeted to the needs and stages of each individual startup. We only present businesses that we believe in to investors and the combination of our discovery process and RADAR service allows us to continually evaluate, validate and importantly get to know you, after all, investors will ultimately be investing in you. This process makes our service more credible to investors and allows us to understand your needs and preferences so that we can match you with the right investor or investors. Once you are on our RADAR we are guiding you towards investment readiness and at the same time looking out for and developing opportunities for our RADAR portfolio. We work with a very limited number of startups that we think have potential. If spaces are filled up we will put you on a waiting list and let you know as soon as a spot opens up!

How can I pay?

Payment can be made securely with a creditcard/debitcard or bank transfer

How long does it typically take to raise funds?

It depends on a lot of factors so there is no single answer. Most typically you could be looking at between three and six months from start to money in the bank.

What size of funds do you specialise in?

We are mainly focused on pre-seed up to series A funding although we can also assist on larger rounds

I am an investor, what is the benefit for me?

Great early-stage opportunities are time-consuming and generally hard to find. We make it easy for you by doing the leg work needed to identify the really good opportunities and then present them to investors we feel are most suitable. Early-stage opportunities whilst perhaps more risky are also potentially the most rewarding. Very often the early stage is the most exciting part of the journey and many investors love that. Global Circle Capital can get carefully evaluated and relevant investments to you that you may not otherwise be aware of. Only businesses that pass through our discovery process and are given a place in RADAR get presented to investors to ensure a high quality of investment opportunities. In addition, we can tap into our growing investor network to help you find co-investors for follow on investments if that is something that could be beneficial for you.

Can you help with investment outside of venture capital or angel investment if needed?

Yes, we also work with CVC (corporate venture capital) funds, corporate innovation funds and also some debt financing companies. Our goal is to offer a broad array of investment possibilities. We are continually on the look out for investment partners that can help our startup clients succeed

What is an Associate?

Associates are people we work closely with who have strong relationships with investors and/or startups. We collaborate with trusted associates across Europe to widen our network of contacts and to help each other connect more dots! We are looking for more associates based in the key European startup hubs, in particular from Berlin, Barcelona, Madrid, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, London, Lisbon, Paris, Dublin, Copenhagen and Zurich. Join our family and let´s do great things together!